Learning Outcomes


I am able to define information and communication technologies.(ICT-700). Information and communication technologies (ICT) is defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information. These technological tools and resources include computers, the Internet (websites, blogs and emails), live broadcasting technologies (radio, television and webcasting), recorded broadcasting technologies (podcasting, audio and video players, and storage devices) and telephony (fixed or mobile, satellite, vision/videoconferencing, etc.

Backward Looking Reflection

As I reflect backward on the journey with information and communication technologies (ICT), I am reminded of the transformative impact it has had on the way we connect and communicate. The evolution from traditional forms of communication to the vast array of technological tools we now possess has been nothing short of revolutionary. Looking back, the integration of computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies, and telephony has not only changed how we access information but has also reshaped the very fabric of our societies. It's intriguing to trace the roots of these technologies and witness their gradual assimilation into our daily lives.

In what ways have you gotten better at this kind of work? Organization and detail skills have improved greatly.

Certainly, reflecting on the journey with information and communication technologies (ICT) reveals a profound transformation in the way we connect and communicate. As we delve into the impact of these technologies on our lives, two key aspects come to the forefront: the evolution of communication tools and the consequent improvements in organizational and detail-oriented skills. Firstly, the evolution of communication tools has been revolutionary. The integration of computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies, and telephony has created a seamless web of connectivity that transcends geographical boundaries. This has not only changed how we access information but has also redefined the dynamics of interpersonal communication. The shift from traditional forms of communication, such as letters and landline telephones, to instant messaging, video calls, and social media platforms has made communication more instantaneous and accessible. In the realm of work and professional interactions, the impact of these advancements is particularly noteworthy. The ability to collaborate in real-time, irrespective of physical distances, has fostered a globalized workforce and has opened up new avenues for innovation. Virtual meetings, cloud-based collaboration tools, and project management platforms have become integral components of the modern workplace. Now, let's delve into the improvement of organizational and detail-oriented skills. The sheer volume of information available at our fingertips requires a heightened ability to organize and sift through data effectively. The need to manage multiple communication channels, track projects, and synthesize vast amounts of information has necessitated the development of robust organizational skills. Digital tools and applications play a pivotal role in enhancing these skills. For instance, project management software facilitates the structuring of tasks and deadlines, cloud storage systems enable efficient data management, and communication platforms streamline interactions. As a result, individuals and organizations have become more adept at handling complexity, managing time efficiently, and paying attention to intricate details. Moreover, the continuous integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation in various aspects of work has further refined organizational skills. AI-driven tools can analyze large datasets, provide insights, and automate routine tasks, allowing individuals to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their work. In conclusion, the journey with ICT has not only transformed the way we connect and communicate but has also significantly enhanced organizational and detail-oriented skills. The integration of advanced technologies has ushered in an era of unprecedented connectivity and efficiency, empowering individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of the modern world with greater proficiency.

Outward Looking Reflection

When casting my view outward, it becomes apparent that the impact of ICT extends far beyond individual experiences. Societies on a global scale have undergone significant transformations, with the advent of these technologies fostering unprecedented connectivity. The world has become a digital village where information flows across borders instantaneously. This outward reflection necessitates an examination of the societal implications, ranging from increased access to knowledge and opportunities to concerns about the digital divide, cybersecurity, and the ethical use of technology.

In what ways do you think you need to improve?

In an outward-looking reflection on the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), it becomes evident that the influence of these technologies extends well beyond individual experiences, shaping societies on a global scale. The advent of ICT has fostered unprecedented connectivity, turning the world into a digital village where information flows across borders instantaneously. This shift prompts a comprehensive examination of societal implications, encompassing both positive and challenging aspects. One of the positive outcomes of global ICT integration is the increased access to knowledge and opportunities. The digital revolution has democratized information, making educational resources, news, and various forms of media accessible to a broader audience. This enhanced access has the potential to bridge educational and economic gaps, empowering individuals and communities with information that was once confined to specific regions or social classes. However, an outward view also highlights the existence of challenges that accompany the global proliferation of ICT. One major concern is the digital divide, where disparities in access to technology and the internet persist, creating a rift between those who have easy access to digital resources and those who do not. Addressing this divide is crucial for ensuring that the benefits of ICT are shared inclusively and that marginalized communities are not left behind in the digital age. Cybersecurity is another critical consideration. The interconnected nature of the digital world makes societies vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks. As information flows across borders, protecting sensitive data and ensuring the integrity of digital systems become paramount. Nations and organizations must collaborate to establish robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard individuals, businesses, and governments from cyber threats. Additionally, an outward-looking reflection prompts an ethical examination of technology use. The power of ICT brings with it ethical responsibilities concerning issues such as privacy, data ownership, and the impact of automation on employment. Striking a balance between technological advancements and ethical considerations is essential to ensure that the benefits of ICT are harnessed responsibly and for the greater good of society. In conclusion, an outward-looking reflection on the impact of ICT reveals a complex landscape of opportunities and challenges at the societal level. While the global connectivity facilitated by these technologies has the potential to enhance access to knowledge and opportunities, it also necessitates addressing issues like the digital divide, cybersecurity, and ethical considerations. It is through thoughtful and collaborative efforts that societies can navigate these challenges and fully harness the positive potential of Information and Communication Technologies on a global scale.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the continued evolution of ICT holds both promise and challenges. Looking ahead, the trajectory of these technologies is poised to redefine how we communicate, work, and engage with the world. The integration of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality raises questions about ethics, governance, and societal impacts. A forward-looking perspective requires proactive considerations of how to harness the benefits of ICT while mitigating potential risks. It underscores the importance of responsible innovation, digital literacy, and inclusive policies to ensure that the outcomes of technological advancements contribute positively to the well-being of individuals and the broader global community.


I am able to define Information and communication technologies as a polytechnical electro/digital field. (ICTs) referred to previously are an important subject of organizational communication research. The research on ICTs in organizations can be characterized as having moved from technological determinism to social determinism to a “middle ground” in which the interaction between technology (the material) and users and their organizations (the social) has become the central focus. (Basic Statistics and ICT Skills, n.d.)

Backward Looking Reflection

Reflecting on the historical development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in organizations takes us on a journey marked by transformative changes. Looking back, we see the gradual integration of computers, networking systems, and communication tools within organizational structures. The evolution from basic information systems to complex, interconnected networks has reshaped how businesses operate. This backward glance allows us to appreciate the strides made in enhancing efficiency, communication, and data management within organizational settings.

What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?

In a backward-looking reflection on the historical development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in organizations, the satisfaction lies in observing the transformative changes that have marked this journey. The process and the finished product, in this context, both contribute to a sense of achievement and appreciation for the strides made in enhancing efficiency, communication, and data management within organizational settings. Firstly, the process of integrating ICT into organizational structures represents a series of strategic decisions and technological advancements. Witnessing the gradual evolution from basic information systems to the complex, interconnected networks that characterize contemporary organizations is particularly satisfying. It reflects the adaptability and innovation demonstrated by businesses over time. The strategic planning, investment in technology, and the commitment to staying abreast of technological advancements all contribute to the process that has reshaped the very fabric of how businesses operate. Furthermore, the finished product, which is the current state of ICT integration within organizations, is particularly satisfying due to its tangible impact on organizational efficiency. The seamless integration of computers, networking systems, and communication tools has streamlined processes, allowing for faster decision-making, improved collaboration, and enhanced productivity. The finished product represents a culmination of efforts to leverage technology for the betterment of organizational operations. The satisfaction in the finished product is also derived from the positive changes observed in communication dynamics within organizations. The evolution from traditional communication methods to the instant connectivity afforded by ICT has broken down communication barriers. Teams can collaborate in real-time, irrespective of geographical locations, fostering a more connected and agile work environment. Additionally, the impact on data management is noteworthy. The ability to store, retrieve, and analyze vast amounts of data has empowered organizations to make informed decisions. This shift from manual and time-consuming data processes to automated and data-driven approaches signifies a significant accomplishment in the realm of organizational efficiency and competitiveness. In conclusion, the backward-looking reflection on the historical development of ICT in organizations brings forth a sense of satisfaction both in the process and the finished product. The journey from basic information systems to the current state of complex, interconnected networks highlights the adaptability and innovation of businesses. The tangible improvements in efficiency, communication, and data management underscore the positive impact of ICT on organizational operations, making the reflection on this historical development particularly rewarding.

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, it is essential to recognize the profound impact of ICT on the internal dynamics of organizations. These technologies have become the backbone of daily operations, influencing workflows, decision-making processes, and the very culture of the workplace. Internally, the adoption of ICT has necessitated shifts in skill sets, fostering a continuous learning environment. Additionally, it prompts introspection on how the reliance on technology affects employee well-being, collaboration, and the overall work experience.

Outward Looking Reflection

When looking outward, the impact of ICT extends beyond organizational boundaries, shaping the broader societal landscape. Organizations are now interconnected in a global network, influencing and being influenced by societal trends and expectations. The outward perspective requires an examination of the broader implications of ICT on societal structures, economies, and the job market. It necessitates considerations about the responsibility of organizations in contributing positively to the communities they operate in and addressing potential challenges arising from the widespread use of technology.

In an outward-looking reflection,

What were your standards for this piece of work?

Looking back at the evolution of Management Science and Operations Research (MS/OR) projects, it is evident that their primary aim has always been to contribute to informed decision-making within organizations. The historical perspective reveals a progression from relatively well-structured problems with clear objectives to a more nuanced and systemic approach. Past projects have provided valuable insights into the importance of considering systems thinking, recognizing that decisions are embedded within broader organizational and societal contexts. The backward reflection highlights the shift from a narrow focus on structured problems to a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities inherent in decision-making processes.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the evaluation of Information and Communication Technologies in organizations takes on a forward-looking dimension. As technology continues to advance, organizations must anticipate and adapt to emerging trends. The impacts of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and the Internet of Things are poised to bring about further disruptions and opportunities. A forward-looking perspective requires strategic planning, investment in digital literacy, and an emphasis on ethical considerations. Organizations must navigate the evolving landscape with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and the positive societal contributions that can result from responsible and forward-thinking ICT practices.


I am able to apply understanding of social change theories and systems thinking to forecasting techniques in (ICT-732.) According to Daellenbach & Mcnickle, n.d.”the aim of MS/OR projects is to provide insights for informed decision making. “The vast majority of that decision making occurs within organizations or, in other words, within systems. Therefore MS/OR can be viewed as a way of thinking with a systems focus, a form of systems thinking. “ This requires a comprehensive grasp of systems, their concepts, and the principles of systems control. Determining what is encompassed within the system under examination and what is excluded—the choices in defining the system boundary—can bear significant implications for both actively involved individuals and those indirectly impacted. “(Daellenbach & Mcnickle, n.d.)


Backward Looking Reflection

Looking back at the evolution of Management Science and Operations Research (MS/OR) projects, it is evident that their primary aim has always been to contribute to informed decision-making within organizations. The historical perspective reveals a progression from relatively well-structured problems with clear objectives to a more nuanced and systemic approach. Past projects have provided valuable insights into the importance of considering systems thinking, recognizing that decisions are embedded within broader organizational and societal contexts. The backward reflection highlights the shift from a narrow focus on structured problems to a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities inherent in decision-making processes.

Inward Looking Reflection:

Turning inward, it becomes apparent that the essence of MS/OR lies in cultivating a systems-focused mindset. Organizations, as systems, require a thoughtful and holistic approach to decision-making. Internally, this calls for a deep understanding of systems concepts and control mechanisms. The inward reflection emphasizes the need for project teams to grapple with the inherent complexity of problematic situations, acknowledging that decision-making begins in the early stages when issues are vague and not yet fully contextualized. It underscores the importance of tools and methodologies to capture the full scope of a problem, fostering a more profound understanding of the interconnected issues at play.

Outward Looking Reflection

When looking outward, the systemic perspective of MS/OR projects extends beyond organizational boundaries. The impact of system boundary choices becomes apparent in the broader societal context. Decisions made within organizations have ripple effects that can actively or passively affect individuals and communities. The outward reflection prompts consideration of the ethical dimensions and social responsibilities associated with MS/OR projects. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of decision-making processes and the need for organizations to be mindful of their role in larger systems.

Forward Looking Reflection.

If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about this piece?

As a teacher reviewing this piece, I would provide the following comments: Strong Integration of Social Change Theories and Systems Thinking: Positive Feedback: Your ability to apply social change theories and systems thinking to forecasting techniques in ICT-732 is commendable. The incorporation of Daellenbach and McNickle's perspective on MS/OR as a form of systems thinking demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected nature of organizational decision-making. Clear Articulation of MS/OR's Purpose: Positive Feedback: Your inclusion of Daellenbach and McNickle's statement about the aim of MS/OR projects being to provide insights for informed decision-making is apt. This helps establish the fundamental purpose of MS/OR and sets the stage for understanding its application within organizations. Emphasis on Systems Focus: Positive Feedback: Your recognition of MS/OR as a way of thinking with a systems focus aligns well with contemporary perspectives on the field. Highlighting the need for a comprehensive grasp of systems, their concepts, and principles of systems control underscores the importance of a holistic approach in tackling organizational challenges. Awareness of System Boundaries: Positive Feedback: Your acknowledgment of the significance of defining system boundaries is crucial. The comment on the choices in defining the system boundary impacting both actively involved individuals and those indirectly impacted shows an awareness of the broader implications of such decisions. Recommendation for Further Exploration: Suggestion: To enhance your understanding, consider delving deeper into specific case studies or practical examples where MS/OR, coupled with systems thinking, has been effectively applied. This could provide concrete illustrations of the concepts discussed and further strengthen your grasp of their real-world applications. Encouragement for Critical Thinking: Positive Feedback: The piece reflects a thoughtful and critical approach to understanding MS/OR. Encourage you to continue this analytical thinking, perhaps by exploring how emerging technologies or societal changes may influence the evolving role of MS/OR in the future. In summary, your piece demonstrates a strong understanding of the integration between social change theories, systems thinking, and forecasting techniques within the context of MS/OR. The comments provided aim to acknowledge your strengths, offer constructive suggestions for deeper exploration, and encourage continued critical thinking in this domain.31./// One thing I would like to improve upon is.

Outward Looking Reflection

What might you want next year's teacher to know about you (what things you're good at)

If I were to communicate to next year's teacher about my strengths and what they might want to know about me based on the presented information, the following points could be highlighted: Analytical and Research Skills: I possess strong analytical skills as evidenced by my ability to comprehend and communicate complex concepts related to technology forecasting. The understanding of how researchers create forecasts based on past experience and current technological developments showcases my capacity for in-depth analysis. Synthesizing Information: I am adept at synthesizing information from diverse sources, as demonstrated in my discussion about technology forecasting. The ability to draw insights from various perspectives and present them coherently is one of my strengths. Understanding the Significance of Technology Forecasting: My reflection indicates a clear grasp of the importance of technology forecasting for both public and private entities. I recognize its role in aiding informed decision-making and how it contributes to strategic planning for future developments. Application of Knowledge to Real-World Contexts: I showcase an understanding of the practical applications of technology forecasting, particularly in enhancing the quality of decisions. This indicates my ability to connect theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, which can be valuable in an academic or professional setting. Communication Skills: The clarity and coherence in my expression throughout the reflection suggest effective communication skills. This is crucial for conveying ideas and insights to both educators and peers. Interest in the Intersection of Technology and Decision-Making: My engagement with the topic of technology forecasting and its impact on decision-making indicates a genuine interest in the intersection of technology and strategic planning. This interest can serve as a foundation for further exploration and in-depth studies in related areas. Independent Learning: The discussion of technology forecasting, drawing on sources like Wikipedia Contributors, implies an ability to independently seek out and engage with relevant information. I am proactive in acquiring knowledge beyond what may be directly provided in a classroom setting. Application of Technology in Learning: Given the subject matter, it's reasonable to assume that I am comfortable using technology for research and learning purposes. This can be an asset in today's educational landscape where digital literacy is increasingly important. In summary, next year's teacher may want to know that I possess strong analytical and research skills, am capable of synthesizing information effectively, understand the practical applications of technology forecasting, and have a genuine interest in the intersection of technology and decision-making. My ability to independently engage with and apply knowledge, along with proficiency in communication, can contribute positively to the learning environment.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective of MS/OR projects requires a proactive and adaptive approach. Recognizing that decision-making often arises from ill-defined problem situations, the focus shifts to the inception phase of projects. The forward-looking reflection encourages the exploration of aids and methodologies to capture the complexity of problem situations comprehensively. Embracing uncertainty and ambiguity, the aim is to formulate problem definitions that address the right issues at an appropriate level of detail. This approach increases the likelihood of providing insights that are not only relevant but also conducive to informed decision-making in an ever-evolving organizational and societal landscape.


According to Wikipedia Contributors, “technology forecasting attempts to predict the future characteristics of useful technological machines, procedures or techniques. Researchers create technology forecasts based on past experience and current technological developments. By analyzing these changes, government and economic institutions could make plans for future developments.“ Similar to other predictive analyses, technology forecasting proves advantageous for both public and private entities, aiding in informed decision-making. By scrutinizing potential future opportunities and threats, forecasters can enhance the quality of decisions, striving for optimal outcomes. (Wikipedia Contributors, 2019)


Backward Looking Reflection

Reflecting on the history of technology forecasting reveals a journey marked by advancements in predicting the future characteristics of technological machines, procedures, and techniques. Looking back, it is evident that forecasting methodologies have evolved alongside technological developments. Past experiences and historical trends have shaped the tools and approaches used by researchers in their attempts to anticipate the trajectory of technology. The backward reflection emphasizes the importance of learning from past forecasting successes and failures, recognizing their impact on shaping the current landscape of technology forecasting.

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, the significance of technology forecasting becomes clear in the context of decision-making for both public and private organizations. Internally, organizations rely on accurate forecasts to make informed decisions about technological investments, research and development initiatives, and strategic planning. The inward reflection underscores the role of technology forecasting in mitigating risks and maximizing opportunities. It prompts organizations to assess their internal capabilities and readiness to adapt to emerging technologies, fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability.

Outward Looking Reflection:

When looking outward, the impact of technology forecasting extends beyond individual organizations to the broader societal and economic landscape. The reflection emphasizes that in a world experiencing substantial social and economic changes, technology development plays a pivotal role. Governments and economic institutions, by analyzing these changes, can formulate plans that align with future technological developments. The outward perspective encourages collaboration and information sharing among countries, recognizing the global interdependence in technological advancements and their societal implications.

Outward Looking Reflection

If I were to communicate to next year's teacher about my strengths and what they might want to know about me based on the presented information?

The following points could be highlighted: Analytical and Research Skills: I possess strong analytical skills as evidenced by my ability to comprehend and communicate complex concepts related to technology forecasting. The understanding of how researchers create forecasts based on past experience and current technological developments showcases my capacity for in-depth analysis. Synthesizing Information: I am adept at synthesizing information from diverse sources, as demonstrated in my discussion about technology forecasting. The ability to draw insights from various perspectives and present them coherently is one of my strengths. Understanding the Significance of Technology Forecasting: My reflection indicates a clear grasp of the importance of technology forecasting for both public and private entities. I recognize its role in aiding informed decision-making and how it contributes to strategic planning for future developments. Application of Knowledge to Real-World Contexts: I showcase an understanding of the practical applications of technology forecasting, particularly in enhancing the quality of decisions. This indicates my ability to connect theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, which can be valuable in an academic or professional setting. Communication Skills: The clarity and coherence in my expression throughout the reflection suggest effective communication skills. This is crucial for conveying ideas and insights to both educators and peers. Interest in the Intersection of Technology and Decision-Making: My engagement with the topic of technology forecasting and its impact on decision-making indicates a genuine interest in the intersection of technology and strategic planning. This interest can serve as a foundation for further exploration and in-depth studies in related areas. Independent Learning: The discussion of technology forecasting, drawing on sources like Wikipedia Contributors, implies an ability to independently seek out and engage with relevant information. I am proactive in acquiring knowledge beyond what may be directly provided in a classroom setting. Application of Technology in Learning: Given the subject matter, it's reasonable to assume that I am comfortable using technology for research and learning purposes. This can be an asset in today's educational landscape where digital literacy is increasingly important. In summary, next year's teacher may want to know that I possess strong analytical and research skills, am capable of synthesizing information effectively, understand the practical applications of technology forecasting, and have a genuine interest in the intersection of technology and decision-making. My ability to independently engage with and apply knowledge, along with proficiency in communication, can contribute positively to the learning environment.

Forward Looking Reflection:

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective on technology forecasting emphasizes its ongoing relevance in a rapidly changing world. As most countries undergo significant transformations, the need for accurate predictions of technological developments becomes even more critical. The forward-looking reflection underscores the potential for technology forecasting to be a strategic tool for governments and economic institutions in planning for future developments. It calls for continuous refinement of forecasting methodologies, integration of emerging technologies into analyses, and an awareness of the dynamic nature of the technological landscape. The forward-looking stance encourages a proactive approach to leverage technology forecasting for shaping a future that aligns with societal needs and economic aspirations.

Forward Looking Reflection.

If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about this piece?

. As a teacher reviewing this piece, I would provide the following comments: Strong Integration of Social Change Theories and Systems Thinking: Positive Feedback: Your ability to apply social change theories and systems thinking to forecasting techniques in ICT-732 is commendable. The incorporation of Daellenbach and McNickle's perspective on MS/OR as a form of systems thinking demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected nature of organizational decision-making. Clear Articulation of MS/OR's Purpose: Positive Feedback: Your inclusion of Daellenbach and McNickle's statement about the aim of MS/OR projects being to provide insights for informed decision-making is apt. This helps establish the fundamental purpose of MS/OR and sets the stage for understanding its application within organizations. Emphasis on Systems Focus: Positive Feedback: Your recognition of MS/OR as a way of thinking with a systems focus aligns well with contemporary perspectives on the field. Highlighting the need for a comprehensive grasp of systems, their concepts, and principles of systems control underscores the importance of a holistic approach in tackling organizational challenges. Awareness of System Boundaries: Positive Feedback: Your acknowledgment of the significance of defining system boundaries is crucial. The comment on the choices in defining the system boundary impacting both actively involved individuals and those indirectly impacted shows an awareness of the broader implications of such decisions. Recommendation for Further Exploration: Suggestion: To enhance your understanding, consider delving deeper into specific case studies or practical examples where MS/OR, coupled with systems thinking, has been effectively applied. This could provide concrete illustrations of the concepts discussed and further strengthen your grasp of their real-world applications. Encouragement for Critical Thinking: Positive Feedback: The piece reflects a thoughtful and critical approach to understanding MS/OR. Encourage you to continue this analytical thinking, perhaps by exploring how emerging technologies or societal changes may influence the evolving role of MS/OR in the future. In summary, your piece demonstrates a strong understanding of the integration between social change theories, systems thinking, and forecasting techniques within the context of MS/OR. The comments provided aim to acknowledge your strengths, offer constructive suggestions for deeper exploration, and encourage continued critical thinking in this domain.31./// One thing I would like to improve upon is.


I am able to propose an actionable recommendation to a business unit regarding the roles and use of technological systems or processes related to these systems. (ICT-733) According to Porter & Millar, 1985 “to an important concept that highlights the role of information technology in competition is the “value chain.” This concept divides a company’s activities into the technologically and economically distinct activities it performs to do business. This is called “value activities.” The valuation of a company is established by the price buyers are willing to pay for its products or services. Profitability is achieved when the value generated exceeds the costs linked to performing the pertinent value activities. Excelling in the execution of these activities is imperative for a company to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. (Porter & Millar, 1985)


Backward Looking Reflection

Looking back at the evolution of the "value chain" concept and its application in understanding the role of information technology in competition, it's apparent that this framework has been instrumental in shaping business strategies. The backward reflection allows us to trace the origins of this concept, recognizing how it has become a fundamental tool for analyzing a company's activities in a systematic way. Over time, businesses have increasingly recognized the importance of not just producing goods but also creating value throughout the entire chain of activities. This backward gaze underscores the transformative impact of conceptualizing business operations through the lens of value creation.

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, the "value chain" concept prompts organizations to scrutinize their internal operations deeply. Internally, companies must assess each value activity and identify opportunities for efficiency, cost reduction, and differentiation. The inward reflection necessitates a close examination of how information technology is integrated into primary and support activities to enhance overall value creation. It encourages a self-awareness of the organization's strengths and weaknesses in each category of the value chain, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

Outward Looking Reflection

When looking outward, the "value chain" concept extends beyond individual companies to the broader competitive landscape. Companies are part of a larger ecosystem where value creation is compared and measured against competitors. The outward reflection emphasizes the need for businesses to be cognizant of industry trends, technological advancements, and customer expectations. Understanding how competitors structure their value chains and leveraging external insights are crucial for gaining a competitive edge. This perspective encourages collaboration and benchmarking against industry best practices.

Outward Looking Reflection

What might you want next year's teacher to know about you (what things you're good at)

If I were to communicate to next year's teacher about my strengths and what they might want to know about me based on the presented information.the following points could be highlighted: Analytical and Research Skills: I possess strong analytical skills as evidenced by my ability to comprehend and communicate complex concepts related to technology forecasting. The understanding of how researchers create forecasts based on past experience and current technological developments . In summary, next year's teacher may want to know that I possess strong analytical and research skills, am capable of synthesizing information effectively, understand the practical applications of technology forecasting, and have a genuine interest in the intersection of technology and decision-making. My ability to independently engage with and apply knowledge, along with proficiency in communication, can contribute positively to the learning environment.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective on the "value chain" concept underscores its ongoing relevance in an ever-changing business environment. As technology continues to advance and industries evolve, companies must adapt their value activities to stay competitive. The forward-looking reflection encourages organizations to anticipate future trends, embrace emerging technologies, and innovate in their value chain strategies. It prompts a proactive approach to not only optimizing existing value activities but also exploring new ways to create value. The dynamic nature of business requires a forward-looking stance to ensure sustained competitive advantage and profitability.

Forward Looking Reflection

What was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished product?

In reflecting on the forward-looking perspective of the "value chain" concept, the satisfaction lies in recognizing the ongoing relevance of this framework in navigating the complexities of an ever-changing business environment. Both the process and the potential outcomes of embracing this perspective contribute to a sense of accomplishment and strategic foresight. Satisfaction with the Process: Critical Analysis and Evaluation: The satisfaction in the process stems from the ability to critically analyze and evaluate the enduring importance of the "value chain" concept. Engaging in a thoughtful examination of its relevance in the context of advancing technology and evolving industries demonstrates a capacity for strategic thinking. Interdisciplinary Approach: The process involves an interdisciplinary approach, weaving together insights from business strategy, technology trends, and industry dynamics. The satisfaction comes from the ability to synthesize diverse information and recognize the interconnectedness of economic and technological factors. Research and Learning: The forward-looking reflection likely involves research into emerging technologies, industry trends, and business strategies. The satisfaction is derived from the process of learning and staying informed about the latest developments, contributing to a continuous cycle of improvement and adaptability. Satisfaction with the Finished Product: Relevance in Evolving Business Landscape: The satisfaction with the finished product comes from the realization that the forward-looking perspective on the "value chain" concept is not merely a theoretical exercise but a practical and relevant guide for businesses in the future. The product reflects an understanding of how the concept can adapt to changing business landscapes. Encouraging Proactive Adaptation: The forward-looking reflection encourages organizations to be proactive in anticipating future trends and embracing emerging technologies. The satisfaction lies in knowing that the product promotes a mindset of continuous adaptation, positioning companies to stay ahead in a dynamic business environment. Innovation in Value Chain Strategies: The product likely emphasizes the importance of innovation in value chain strategies. The satisfaction comes from recognizing the potential for companies to not only optimize existing activities but also explore new and creative ways to generate value, fostering a culture of innovation. Strategic Positioning for Competitive Advantage: The forward-looking stance ensures that companies are strategically positioned to maintain a competitive advantage and achieve sustained profitability. The satisfaction is derived from the awareness that the product contributes to shaping organizational strategies that align with future market dynamics. Contributing to Organizational Resilience: Knowing that the finished product encourages a forward-looking approach contributes to organizational resilience. Companies equipped with a proactive mindset are better prepared to navigate uncertainties, disruptions, and emerging opportunities in the business landscape. In conclusion, the satisfaction in the forward-looking reflection on the "value chain" concept comes from the process of critical analysis, interdisciplinary learning, and the realization of its ongoing relevance in shaping the future of businesses. The finished product reflects a strategic understanding of how companies can proactively adapt, innovate in their value chains, and position themselves for sustained success in a dynamic and evolving business environment.


I am able to (Identifying appropriate use of public and private cloud architectural best practice. (CNIT-571) The outcome is important because, cloud architecture refers to how different technological components come together to build a cloud environment where you can pool and share scalable resources across a network. It essentially works as a blueprint for your cloud, defining how different cloud technologies, applications, workloads, and other components interact. Cloud architecture can have the following parts: A backend platform (which can include storage and servers) A frontend platform (which can include client platforms or devices that are used to access the cloud) A cloud-based delivery model A network The ideal cloud architecture focuses on scalability and agility while also considering the unique and complex needs of your users, applications, and workloads. (nOps, 2023)


Backward Looking Reflection

Reflecting on the development of cloud architecture takes us back to a time when the concept of pooling and sharing scalable resources across a network was emerging. Looking back, it is evident that the evolution of cloud architecture has been driven by the growing demand for scalable, flexible, and efficient computing solutions. The backward reflection allows us to trace the roots of different technological components coming together to form the foundation of cloud environments. It highlights the shift from traditional, on-premises infrastructure to the dynamic and interconnected nature of cloud-based systems.

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, the significance of cloud architecture becomes apparent in how organizations design and optimize their cloud environments. Internally, businesses must carefully consider the scalability and agility of their cloud architecture, aligning it with the unique needs of users, applications, and workloads. The inward reflection prompts organizations to assess their backend and frontend platforms, ensuring that storage, servers, and client devices are integrated seamlessly. It encourages a deep understanding of the cloud-based delivery model and the network infrastructure, fostering an environment that is not only efficient but also responsive to internal demands.

Outward Looking Reflection

When looking outward, the impact of cloud architecture extends beyond individual organizations to the broader technological landscape. Cloud services are an integral part of the global network, influencing how businesses, governments, and individuals access and share information. The outward reflection emphasizes the collaborative nature of cloud architecture, as different entities must align their technologies and standards for effective interoperability. Consideration of industry trends, security standards, and global connectivity is crucial in the outward perspective, ensuring that cloud architectures can seamlessly integrate into the broader digital ecosystem.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective on cloud architecture recognizes its ongoing evolution in response to technological advancements and changing user needs. As cloud computing continues to mature, the forward-looking reflection anticipates the integration of emerging technologies, enhanced security measures, and improved scalability. The dynamic nature of cloud architecture requires organizations to stay agile and adaptable. Looking forward, there is an emphasis on optimizing cloud architectures for emerging workloads, applications, and devices, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of providing scalable, efficient, and user-centric solutions. The forward-looking stance encourages continuous innovation and strategic planning to harness the full potential of cloud technologies in the years to come.


I am able to be a good team player by working on semester‐long case studies and project.(CNIT-582) The outcome is important because, some teams successful and others unsuccessful? What criteriaor attributes are needed for success? Contemporary teaching and learning practice over the past few years in higher education institutions has seen a proliferation of open-ended constructivist learning designs that incorporate collaboration. This has promoted the need for identifying essential attributes needed for successful teamwork. This study reviews the literature with a view of identifying a framework that educators can use to help promote effective teamwork in their classes. A case study is used to investigate two teams of final year multimedia students completing a project-based unit, in which teamwork was an essential ingredient and immersed in an authentic context. Attributes gleaned from the literature for successful teamwork was used to compare the two diverse teams. (Tarricone & Luca, 2002)


Backward Looking Reflection

Reflecting on the history of team success in higher education, the backward perspective reveals a shift in teaching and learning practices over the past few years. The evolution has seen a move towards open-ended constructivist learning designs that emphasize collaboration. Looking back, it becomes clear that the recognition of teamwork as an essential ingredient in education has prompted a closer examination of the attributes that contribute to successful team dynamics. The backward reflection highlights the transition from traditional, individual-focused learning models to contemporary approaches that prioritize collaborative and authentic learning experiences.

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, the significance of identifying essential attributes for successful teamwork in higher education becomes apparent. Internally, educational institutions and educators must assess the contemporary teaching and learning practices adopted in response to the evolving landscape. The inward reflection prompts an examination of how these practices align with the development of teamwork skills among students. It encourages educators to consider their role in fostering an environment that cultivates the attributes necessary for effective collaboration. The inward perspective underscores the importance of adapting teaching methodologies to meet the needs of students engaging in open-ended, constructivist learning designs.

Outward Looking Reflection:

When looking outward, the impact of contemporary teaching and learning practices extends beyond individual educational institutions. The outward reflection emphasizes the need for a broader framework that educators can use to promote effective teamwork. Recognizing the proliferation of open-ended constructivist learning designs, the outward perspective calls for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among educators and institutions. It underscores the interconnected nature of the educational landscape, encouraging the development and dissemination of best practices in fostering successful teamwork. The outward view prompts a consideration of how attributes identified in the literature can be universally applied to enhance team dynamics in diverse educational settings.

Forward Looking Reflection:

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective on team success in higher education anticipates continued advancements in teaching and learning methodologies. The dynamic nature of education calls for an ongoing evolution in frameworks that support effective teamwork. Looking forward, there is a need for educators to adapt to emerging technologies, pedagogical approaches, and student expectations. The forward-looking stance encourages the development of innovative strategies to nurture teamwork attributes, preparing students for the collaborative demands of the future. It emphasizes the importance of research and continuous improvement in understanding how to best promote successful teamwork in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education.


I am able to (verb) (Evaluate network security threats.(CNIT-583) The outcome is important because, network security threats aim to exploit system vulnerabilities or human behaviors to penetrate company networks and inflict damage to sensitive data, applications, and workloads. When a cybercriminal detects a weak spot in the system, they use it to gain unauthorized access and install malware, spyware, or other harmful software. These weak spots are also a gateway for social engineering attacks, where individuals become an easier target. A network security threat can come from the outside or the inside of an organization. Outside threats come from malicious individuals who perform phishing, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, or other network security attacks. On the other hand, inside threats sometimes happen unintentionally, due to an employee’s negligence, or purposefully, as a form of revenge or another malicious intent towards the company and its staff. (Network Security Threats, Be Prepared. 11 Emerging Trends for 2020, 2018)


Backward Looking Reflection

Reflecting on the history of network security threats, the backward perspective reveals a continuous evolution driven by the relentless ingenuity of cybercriminals. Looking back, we can trace the origins of these threats from simple exploits to the sophisticated tactics employed today. The history underscores the perpetual cat-and-mouse game between security measures and the evolving strategies of those seeking to breach network defenses. It highlights the increasing complexity of attacks, with cybercriminals exploiting vulnerabilities in both systems and human behavior

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, the significance of understanding network security threats becomes apparent for organizations and individuals alike. Internally, businesses must assess their cybersecurity measures, employee training, and overall security culture. The inward reflection prompts organizations to scrutinize their systems for potential weak spots and reinforces the need for robust security protocols. It also encourages individuals to be vigilant and educated about social engineering tactics. The inward perspective underscores the shared responsibility of organizations and their employees in creating a secure network environment.

Outward Looking Reflection

When looking outward, the impact of network security threats extends beyond individual organizations to the broader digital landscape. The outward reflection emphasizes the interconnected nature of the cyber threat landscape, where new attack techniques can quickly propagate across industries and geographical boundaries. It calls for collaboration and information-sharing among organizations, industry sectors, and government agencies. The outward view prompts a consideration of how collective efforts can strengthen global cybersecurity defenses and mitigate the impact of evolving threats.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective on network security threats anticipates the continued evolution of attack vectors and defensive measures. The dynamic nature of technology and the ever-expanding digital footprint require a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Looking forward, there is a need for constant innovation in security technologies, adaptive training programs, and threat intelligence sharing. The forward-looking stance encourages the development of resilient cybersecurity strategies that can withstand emerging threats. It also emphasizes the importance of anticipating future trends and investing in technologies that can address evolving challenges in network security. The future of cybersecurity lies in a holistic, collaborative, and adaptive approach to protect sensitive data and ensure the integrity of digital ecosystems.


I am able to develop and implement motion‐graphics, embedded media, and CSS transitions.(DMT-675) The outcome is important because, the world of web animations has become a sprawling jungle of tools and technologies. Libraries like GSAP and Framer Motion and React Spring have sprung up to help us add motion to the DOM. The most fundamental and critical piece, though, is the humble CSS transition. It's the first animation tool that most front-end devs learn, and it's a workhorse. Even the most grizzled, weathered animation veterans still reach for this tool often. There's a surprising amount of depth to this topic. In this tutorial, we'll dig in and learn a bit more about CSS transitions, and how we can use them to create lush, polished animations. (An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions, n.d.)


Backward Looking Reflection

Reflecting on the history of web animations, the backward perspective reveals a transformative journey from the simplicity of CSS transitions to the complex ecosystem of animation tools and technologies available today. Looking back, we see the humble beginnings with CSS transitions, which served as the foundational building block for web animations. The backward reflection acknowledges the evolution of front-end development practices, with libraries like GSAP, Framer Motion, and React Spring emerging to offer more sophisticated animation capabilities. It highlights the enduring significance of CSS transitions as a fundamental tool that has stood the test of time.

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, the significance of understanding CSS transitions becomes apparent for front-end developers. Internally, developers must assess their knowledge and skills in utilizing both traditional and modern animation tools. The inward reflection prompts individuals to recognize the enduring importance of CSS transitions in their toolkit. It encourages a deeper exploration of the nuances and capabilities of CSS transitions, acknowledging its role as a versatile and reliable tool. The inward perspective emphasizes the need for continuous learning and mastery of animation techniques to create polished and engaging web experiences.

Outward Looking Reflection

When looking outward, the impact of web animations extends beyond individual developers to the broader web development community. The outward reflection emphasizes the diverse landscape of animation tools and technologies available, highlighting the need for collaboration and knowledge-sharing. It prompts consideration of best practices and standards within the community, fostering an environment where developers can leverage the strengths of various animation tools while acknowledging the foundational role of CSS transitions. The outward view encourages the community to stay informed about emerging trends and tools, ensuring a collective evolution in web animation practices.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective on web animations anticipates further advancements in tools and technologies. The dynamic nature of web development suggests a continued expansion of the animation landscape. Looking forward, there is a need for developers to stay adaptable and embrace new tools while maintaining a solid understanding of the timeless principles embedded in CSS transitions. The forward-looking stance encourages exploration of innovative ways to create lush and polished animations, blending traditional and modern techniques. It underscores the importance of a forward-thinking mindset in navigating the evolving jungle of web animation tools and technologies. The future promises exciting possibilities for creating engaging and dynamic web experiences.


I am able to (verb) (Apply principles of website reputation and credibility.(DMT-685) The outcome is important because, there are millions of sites out there. People have become both skeptical and savvy in their review of a company through their online presence. If you’ve managed the difficult process of getting visitors to your website, now you will need to convince them that you are a trustworthy company? One of the most important web design principles we help clients understand and implement is how to establish professional credibility through their website?I am able to (verb) (Apply principles of website reputation and credibility. (Brawley, 2016)


Backward Looking Reflection

Reflecting on the evolution of web design principles, the backward perspective reveals a significant shift in the role of websites in establishing professional credibility. Looking back, the landscape has transformed from a limited number of online entities to the proliferation of millions of websites. The backward reflection underscores the increasing importance of not just having an online presence but also convincing visitors of the trustworthiness of a company. It acknowledges the changing dynamics of online interactions, with users becoming more skeptical and discerning in evaluating a company's credibility through its website.

Inward Looking Reflection

Turning inward, the significance of establishing professional credibility through web design becomes apparent for businesses. Internally, companies must assess their online presence and consider how their website reflects their professionalism and trustworthiness. The inward reflection prompts an examination of web design principles and strategies that contribute to building credibility. It encourages businesses to understand their unique value propositions and translate them effectively into the design elements of their websites. The inward perspective emphasizes the role of a website as a virtual representation of the company's identity and values.

Outward Looking Reflection

When looking outward, the impact of web design principles extends beyond individual businesses to the broader digital landscape. The outward reflection emphasizes the collective effort needed to create a trustworthy online environment. It prompts consideration of industry standards, user expectations, and emerging trends in web design. The outward view encourages businesses to benchmark their websites against competitors and industry best practices, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. It underscores the interconnectedness of online entities and the shared responsibility to elevate the overall standard of professional credibility in web design.

Forward Looking Reflection

Peering into the future, the forward-looking perspective on web design anticipates further advancements in creating professional credibility online. The dynamic nature of technology and user behavior suggests an ongoing evolution in web design principles. Looking forward, there is a need for businesses to stay ahead of the curve, adapting to emerging technologies, design trends, and user preferences. The forward-looking stance encourages a proactive approach to anticipate the future needs of online visitors and to implement innovative strategies for building and maintaining trust through website design. The future promises an ever-evolving landscape where businesses can leverage cutting-edge design principles to establish and enhance their professional credibility in the digital realm.